Why Use Mailing Lists Anyway? List servers are designed to handle email sent to many recipients, also known as subscrib ers . Subscribers have the option to get off of your list. Having the ability to stop getting email from a mail list, also called unsubscribing, is what makes using a mail list different from […]
Category Archives: FAQ
Help! My Emails Are Being Rejected!
Server Error 591 If you are getting something like the following then your local IP address has probably been used by another computer which was botted and sending out spam. Notice the error number (highlighted in red) is 591. Fortunately you can fix this error by clicking on the spamhaus link in your copy of […]
How Do I Renew My Mail Box?
I try to send out renewal notices about a month before your service expires. On that email notice there is a PayPal link. This link will take you to PayPal and should have the correct amount set for you. PayPal is the only way that I can accept payment (except for large blocks of email […]
How Do I Change My Password Settings?
You will need to first know your current password. If you do not know your current password you can have it sent to an email address that you previously specified. If you did not previously specify a forgotten password email address in your settings, then you will have to contact me at postmaster@pmbx.net. What Password […]
Windows Email Security Setting Error
I seem to get a fair amount of support email where users are having trouble with secure connections to the PMBx server in Windows. Here’s an example of the error. You need to make sure that your encryption settings are set to SSL and not TLS or Auto. First go to Account Settings as shown below. […]
Account Over Quota
Currently the mail box quota should be 2 gigabytes. If you are over the quota for your mail box, you will get a message similar to the following old message: Subject: Account is over quota Your account is using 278M of mail storage, this is close to its 292M storage quota. Delete unnecessary messages, otherwise new […]
How Spamcop, Pollustop, And The PMBx RFCReader Fight Spam
Most spam is best handled through the Pollustop anti-spam software that is part of the PMBx mail server. Pollustop works specifically for each PMBx user by analyzing email content. Spamcop analyzes the spam email and determines the source IP address, i.e. the numerical address of the computer that sent it, and adds it to their […]
Turning Pollustop Antispam Software On & Off
The Pollustop Antispam software is very sophisticated and in my testing was very effective at identifying spam and isolating it in the Junk Mail folder. There are some individual settings though that allow you to customize… and even stop… the screening for your individual folder. A Word of Warning: Now before you reflexly reach to […]
How To Handle Spam With Pollustop
From The Old To The New. With the old antispam software, you configured your whitelists and blacklist on the PMBx web site. I configured the software rules to try and meet the changing spammer landscape. With the new antispam software, you use the Drop/Good and Drop/Spam folders to both add senders to your whitelist and blacklist. Additionally, by […]
About Frequently Asked Questions
This is the place to come look and for questions that have already been asked and answered. It will hopefully save you (and me) time and allow you to get the most out of our mail service.