Author Archives: admin

How To Purchase Or Renew Services: Subscription Instructions

Please note that there are TWO accounts with PMBx. Your email username and password are for your email box services and the subscription username and password are for your subscription to those services. This is a good thing because it protects your email account which is of the utmost importance. If you used PMBx in […]

New Credit Card Payment Option Besides PayPal

I’m excited to offer, in addition to PayPal, a regular credit card processing option. PayPal is great, but I know that sometimes it can be problematic for some. It has advantages though. The new processor is through Stripe. It will require accurate zip code and security codes, so take care when you use enter your […]

Postmaster Notice Class II: Security notice

Security Note: PMBx is not now nor has it been under NSA or other government intrusion or snooping. Security Classes You will no doubt have noted the subject for this email has ‘Class III’ included in it. What are those classes and why should you pay attention? Many of you simply ignore the postmaster posts. […]


PMBx is a private email box service that is part of Ron Smith MD Pediatrics. I use this service for secure, HIPAA-compliant email in my medical practice. To those who need it, I offer our level of security in single email boxes or blocks of boxes which groups can manage themselves. Our service provides for […]

How To Configure YouR Device To Use PMBx

Here are the key settings that are required for mail applications on all computers and smartphone. Example Email Address: Example Username: (notice that the % character supplants the @ character in email addresses) WARNING: Usernames and Passwords are ABSOLUTELY requred for BOTH SENDING AND RECEIVING settings! ~ Mail Server Host (for both sending […]

Mail List Setup

Why Use Mailing Lists Anyway? List servers are designed to handle email sent to many recipients, also known as subscrib ers . Subscribers have the option to get off of your list. Having the ability to stop getting email from a mail list, also called unsubscribing, is what makes using a mail list different from […]

Help! My Emails Are Being Rejected!

Server Error 591 If you are getting something like the following then your local IP address has probably been used by another computer which was botted and sending out spam. Notice the error number (highlighted in red) is 591. Fortunately you can fix this error by clicking on the spamhaus link in your copy of […]

How Do I Renew My Mail Box?

I try to send out renewal notices about a month before your service expires. On that email notice there is a PayPal link. This link will take you to PayPal and should have the correct amount set for you. PayPal is the only way that I can accept payment (except for large blocks of email […]

How Do I Change My Password Settings?

You will need to first know your current password. If you do not know your current password you can have it sent to an email address that you previously specified. If you did not previously specify a forgotten password email address in your settings, then you will have to contact me at What Password […]

Windows Email Security Setting Error

I seem to get a fair amount of support email where users are having trouble with secure connections to the PMBx server in Windows. Here’s an example of the error. You need to make sure that your encryption settings are set to SSL and not TLS or Auto. First go to Account Settings as shown below. […]